
Automate Scheduling And Invoicing For Your Regulars

Templates are the perfect tool to schedule your regular, recurring customers. Templates can be automatically approved based on your billing frequency. This means all scheduling and invoicing for your regulars can be fully automated! Pair templates with automatic charging for a fully automated scheduling and invoicing tool!

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Templates are great for your regular, recurring customers. Templates have no end date and are continuous until you specifically end the template. Have a new puppy that just signed up for dog walking? You can create one template that will last as long as you continue to provide services for that client!

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Billing Frequency

Even though your regulars have no end date - that doesn’t mean you never bill them. Templates support a billing frequency that automatically generates invoices based on your settings. Bill your regulars weekly? Then create a weekly template! Or how about monthly? Not a problem! Templates support four unique billing frequency settings.

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One of the most powerful features of Time To Pet is our automation. This is most apparent in templates. You can set the approval method of your templates to be automatic, which means each template will be automatically approved (and the invoice automatically generated) a set number of days before the start of that billing period!

Want to automate your business fully? Pair templates with our Automatic Charging tools to schedule, invoice, and collect payment without additional administrative work!

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While visits in a template are only scheduled once the template has been approved - it is still important to see those future visits on your calendar. That is exactly what projections do! You can view future yet-to-be-scheduled events all the way up to 12 months in advance. Projections are on a rolling basis, so when you approve a new version of the template - a new set of projections is also added!

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