Use this free tool to help determine how much to charge for pet sitting services.
Curious how much a pet sitter can make? Pet sitters typically charge between $29 and $39 for a 30-minute pet sitting event. In 2024, the average rate for 30-minute pet sitting services is $34.12 in the United States. This free calculator will show you how much pet sitters charge for different services. You can use this tool to help determine exactly how much to charge for your pet sitting service..
How does it work? Enter your desired service area zip code in the search bar and choose a service duration you would like to see results for. The rate calculator will show you the state and national average rates for that particular service. If there is enough data for your zip code, the calculator will also show the average for the region. Your results are saved below the tool, so feel free to search for different zip codes and pet sitting durations to get a better idea of what to charge.
Offer other services? Use our other rate calculators to help set rates for different types of services including dog walking, dog sitting and cat sitting.
Our business revenue doubled the year we started with Time To Pet!
Melinda W. - Athens Pet Sitter
Need more guidance? Check out our Ultimate Guide to Setting Your Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, and Pet Care Rates.